Ontdek Hardlopen
in een 13-weekse cursus

Nieuwe Cursussen starten 10 & 11 januari 2025!

Harlopen Nieuw Vennep bij Bootcamp Coach

Hardlopen in Nieuw-Vennep!

Waarom hardlopen?

Hardlopen is hartstikke leuk en gezond!  Waarom? Hardlopen is ontzettend meetbaar. Door in beweging te komen zet je letterlijk en figuurlijk van alles in beweging. Niet alleen zal je mindset veranderen door te gaan hardlopen, ook je conditie en energielevel zal enorm toenemen!

Daarnaast zijn we natuurlijk altijd buiten met hardlopen, wat alleen al goed is voor de gezondheid. 

Tot slot is lopen in een groep ook erg leuk. Je ontmoet nieuwe mensen en je kunt je aan een ander optrekken, zonder dat het een wedstrijd is natuurlijk! Iedereen kan op zijn eigen niveau stappen voorwaarts zetten.

Wat geeft hardlopen je?

  • Meer energie
  • Meer rust & overzicht
  • Meer verbinding met anderen
  • Meer buiten zijn
  • Meer spierkracht
  • Meer zelfvertrouwen
  • Minder gewicht



Tot nieuwe start!


Beslis op tijd en maak gebruik van een mooie korting op de cursus.

November 2024: 10% korting

December 2024: 5% korting

Januari 2025: geen korting

Mogelijkheden Hardlopen

Beginnerscursus 13 weken

Hardlopen bij Bootcamp Coach Nieuw Vennep

Voor iedereen die wilt beginnen met hardlopen. Onder begeleiding van een professionele trainer zul je in kleine stappen begeleid worden naar een betere hardloper. We houden de kans op blessures zo laag mogelijk. Na afloop van dit traject ben je in staat om 30-40 minuten achter elkaar hard te lopen, zonder pauze!

Start zaterdag 11 januari 2025 om 09.00 uur

Max. 12 deelnemers

Gevorderden cursus 13 weken

Harlopen Nieuw Vennep bij Bootcamp Coach

Ben je al wat bekender met hardlopen, heb je een goede basis conditie en wil je dit verder uitbreiden door toe te werken naar bijvoorbeeld een 10 KM loop? Dan kun je de gevorderden hardloop cursus gaan doen. Met wekelijks een gevarieerde loop en meer aandacht voor techniek en intervaltraining.

Start vrijdag 10 januari 2024 om 8.30 uur

Max. 12 deelnemers

Medium Loopgroep

Hardlopen bij Bootcamp Coach in Nieuw Vennep

Heb je beide cursussen afgerond en wil je graag het hardlopen bijhouden en in groepsverband blijven lopen, sluit je dan aan bij de medium loopgroep. Elk week vind er een nieuwe training plaats en zo heb jij een stok achter de deur om te blijven hardlopen en fit te blijven.

Start vrijdag 10 januari 2024 om 9.45 uur

Max. 20 deelnemers

Video recensie


Marleen MöhlenMarleen Möhlen
20:18 08 Nov 24
I started running again with Tim van der Laan🏃🏼‍♀️! (After several years.)Started with the beginners group and then moved on to the follow-up group.Results that I am proud of😀- I am fitter, my condition has improved- I've developed running jitters, who would have thought...- I can clear my head by running outdoors.- I have achieved a healthy BMI by also adjusting my lifestyle.I say; sign up.Start 🏃🏼‍♀️and become a better version automatically!
Laura plompLaura plomp
15:36 10 Apr 24
Tim is a great trainer. Listens carefully to the needs of the group and individual.
Robin BilkertRobin Bilkert
10:22 27 Mar 24
The 'beginners' course started in January 2024. Good and nice build-up to 30 minutes of running, significant improvement in fitness.Great training, educational, fun, motivating and very good guidance from Tim van der Laan. After this course, you have the option to continue taking follow-up courses. Recommended!
Georgette LucassenGeorgette Lucassen
19:12 02 Feb 24
Bootcamping with the bootcamp coach is fun and enjoyable. Everyone trains at their own level. The atmosphere is always very positive and motivating. The training is different every week and I really like that.
Tim is the trainer of my training group “running for beginners”.He is always enthusiastic, positive and cheerful. We start the training every week with a different focus. Tim clearly knows what he is doing and conveys it. Sun, wind, cold or rain… Tim is always looking forward to it.After 8 weeks of training, he has inspired some of the group to take on a 5km performance run. He also took part in this himself, but first helped us on the road and only accelerated when we were busy.I am very satisfied with Tim and would recommend everyone to take lessons with him.
Marianne BrouwerMarianne Brouwer
12:02 10 Nov 23
I started running a few months ago. Tim is a friendly, enthusiastic trainer who provides a varied lesson every week. He motivates the group and creates a nice atmosphere!
Erwin HollaErwin Holla
14:30 13 Sep 23
What a spontaneous and fun coach Tim is. He is involved with everyone during every training session. Team building and personal performance are two things he is very good at. After taking a course twice under his guidance, I enjoy running and exercising even more. He knows how to make everyone enthusiastic and ensures that you keep moving, even if you are no longer taking a course.
Patrick KenselaarPatrick Kenselaar
10:08 11 May 22
I recently had the opportunity to do a boot camp with Tim for the first time. Fun exercises that positively influence flexibility, strength, fitness and mindset. Tim senses the group and also asks for feedback from the participants so that he can determine the level per individual and thus make a better personalized plan for you. This way it remains challenging and groundbreaking for yourself if you need it. As far as I'm concerned, it's super accessible for anyone who can use their own strength to gain their own strength. See you again soon Tim!
Marleen MöhlenMarleen Möhlen
20:18 08 Nov 24
I started running again with Tim van der Laan🏃🏼‍♀️! (After several years.)Started with the beginners group and then moved on to the follow-up group.Results that I am proud of😀- I am fitter, my condition has improved- I've developed running jitters, who would have thought...- I can clear my head by running outdoors.- I have achieved a healthy BMI by also adjusting my lifestyle.I say; sign up.Start 🏃🏼‍♀️and become a better version automatically!
Laura plompLaura plomp
15:36 10 Apr 24
Tim is a great trainer. Listens carefully to the needs of the group and individual.
Robin BilkertRobin Bilkert
10:22 27 Mar 24
The 'beginners' course started in January 2024. Good and nice build-up to 30 minutes of running, significant improvement in fitness.Great training, educational, fun, motivating and very good guidance from Tim van der Laan. After this course, you have the option to continue taking follow-up courses. Recommended!
Georgette LucassenGeorgette Lucassen
19:12 02 Feb 24
Bootcamping with the bootcamp coach is fun and enjoyable. Everyone trains at their own level. The atmosphere is always very positive and motivating. The training is different every week and I really like that.
Tim is the trainer of my training group “running for beginners”.He is always enthusiastic, positive and cheerful. We start the training every week with a different focus. Tim clearly knows what he is doing and conveys it. Sun, wind, cold or rain… Tim is always looking forward to it.After 8 weeks of training, he has inspired some of the group to take on a 5km performance run. He also took part in this himself, but first helped us on the road and only accelerated when we were busy.I am very satisfied with Tim and would recommend everyone to take lessons with him.
Marianne BrouwerMarianne Brouwer
12:02 10 Nov 23
I started running a few months ago. Tim is a friendly, enthusiastic trainer who provides a varied lesson every week. He motivates the group and creates a nice atmosphere!
Erwin HollaErwin Holla
14:30 13 Sep 23
What a spontaneous and fun coach Tim is. He is involved with everyone during every training session. Team building and personal performance are two things he is very good at. After taking a course twice under his guidance, I enjoy running and exercising even more. He knows how to make everyone enthusiastic and ensures that you keep moving, even if you are no longer taking a course.
Patrick KenselaarPatrick Kenselaar
10:08 11 May 22
I recently had the opportunity to do a boot camp with Tim for the first time. Fun exercises that positively influence flexibility, strength, fitness and mindset. Tim senses the group and also asks for feedback from the participants so that he can determine the level per individual and thus make a better personalized plan for you. This way it remains challenging and groundbreaking for yourself if you need it. As far as I'm concerned, it's super accessible for anyone who can use their own strength to gain their own strength. See you again soon Tim!
Meer beoordelingen

Wanneer starten de nieuwe cursussen?


Zaterdag 11 januari 2025

Tijd: 09.00 uur

Prijs: € 157,30 


Gevorderden cursus:

Vrijdag 10 januari 2025

Tijd: 8.30 uur

Prijs: € 157,30 


Loopgroep medium:

Vrijdag 10 januari 2025

Tijd: 9.45 uur

Prijs: € 127,05


Minimaal aantal deelnemers per groep is 5. 


Nieuwsgierig, maar nog twijfels?

Geen probleem, wij snappen dat. Vul onderstaande gegevens in en wij zullen contact met je opnemen om te inventariseren wat de beste keuze voor jou is op dit moment.

Bootcamp Coach

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Marketentster 17, 2152 LW Nieuw Vennep

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